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Documents Cole, Michael 1 résultats

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- xvii, 589 p.
Cote : BF 121 R551t 2004


Seventy years after his death, the visionary work of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) continues to have a profound impact on psychology, sociology, education, adn other varied disciplines. The Essential Vygotsky selects the most signitficant writings from all phases of his work, and material from all six volumes of his Collected Works, so that readers can introduce themselves to the pioneering concepts developed by this influential russian therapist, scholar, and cultural theorist, including : the cultural-historical approach, the role of language in creating the mind, the development of memory and perception, defectology (abnormal psychology/learning disabilities/special education), the zone of proximal development. Each section features an insightful introduction exploring relevant aspects of Vygotsky's life and illuminating the revolutionary historical context in which these writing were conceived. together, they reflect the studies he was conducting at the time of his death and the path-breaking clinical observations that made his reputation.

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