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Documents Cou - Anatomie 4 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (ix, 754 pages)

Dentisterie ; Tête - Anatomie ; Cou - Anatomie

A concise and highly visual guide to clinically relevant anatomy for dentistry, as well as a valuable resource for any healthcare professional interested in head and neck anatomy, Netter's Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry, 4th Edition, is an ideal text/atlas for class and exam preparation, as well as a quick review in professional practice. Concise text, high-yield tables, clinical correlations, and review questions combine to make this new edition a perfect choice for learning and remembering the need-to-know structures, relationships, and concepts, while beautiful illustrations enhance your visual mastery of the material.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (476 pages)

Anatomie humaine - Atlas ; Tête - Anatomie ; Cou - Anatomie

Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gainingan overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice.
The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeingthe best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation.
Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive. Every tiny structure has been addressed according tocurrent scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. Themes relevant to exams and sample questions from oralanatomy exams help to focus the study process.
The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal learning atlas for studying, from the first semester till the clinical semester. Case studiespresent examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivatingand impart valuable information for prospective medical practice.
With over 100 years of experience in 17 editions and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achievesongoing success.

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- xvii, 282 p. : ill. en coul.
Cote : WF 101 M143a 2020

Orthophonie ; Appareil respiratoire - Anatomie - Atlas ; Cou - Anatomie ; Déglutition - Aspect physiologique - Atlas ; Larynx - Anatomie - Atlas ; Parole - Aspect physiologique - Atlas ; Neuroanatomie - Atlas ; Audition (Physiologie)

Parce que la parole diffère des autres processus spécialisés du corps humain, et que sa production complexe requiert plus d'une centaine de muscles distribués à l'intérieur de différents systèmes physiologiques, la nécessité d'un recueil couvrant l'ensemble des fonctions anatomiques liées à ce processus apparaît aujourd'hui comme incontournable. À ce titre, l'objectif de cet ouvrage est d'offrir l'essentiel des bases anatomiques de la production de la parole, de la déglutition et de l'audition dans leur fonctionnement normal et de donner ainsi une assise pour le diagnostic et le traitement de l'expression pathologique de ces fonctions. Pour cette 4e édition de L'anatomie en orthophonie, en plus d'une revue minutieuse de son texte, l'auteur a souhaité améliorer l'information des systèmes auditif, oropharyngé-articulatoire et nerveux. Cela se traduit par l'ajout d'informations clés sur l'anatomie du système vestibulaire, une description approfondie des structures du système oropharyngé-articulatoire, un aperçu des méthodes disponibles pour l'évaluation de leur intégrité et fonctionnement et l'ajout de concepts neuroanatomiques fondamentaux pour la production de la parole et pour la déglutition. Grâce à une présentation aérée et en vis-à-vis, illustré par les remarquables planches médicales du Dr Frank H. Netter, l'ouvrage, découpé en 6 parties, offre une clarté optimale qui facilite la compréhension.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xiv, 310 p : ill. (part. coul.))

Cou - Anatomie ; Tête - Anatomie

Originally published as part of the McMinn anatomy atlas family, McMinn's Color Atlas of Head and Neck Anatomy remains the only large format photographic atlas of the human head and neck, incorporating outstanding dissections, osteology, radiographic and surface anatomy images. It is the ideal study aid or trusted reference for the range of students and practitioners who require a detailed understanding of the head and neck, including those in dentistry, radiology and surgery.

Dissections are accompanied by concise notes and commentaries, as well as orientational artworks to help readers locate the structure on the body. Dental anaesthesia information and important quick reference lists are also incorporated in appendices at the back of the book.

This updated fifth edition offers increased clinical relevance and features an entirely new chapter on Imaging of the Head and Neck, reflecting the very latest modalities and techniques. It also comes with the complete, enhanced eBook for the first time.

• Increased clinical relevance – helps translate traditional anatomy into current clinical practice
• All new state-of-the-art clinical imaging – including:
o 3T MRI of the brain with tractography
o Cone-beam CT assessment of the jaws and middle ear
• Concise notes and commentaries for every dissection
• Dedicated dental section
• Access to complete downloadable eBook version via Expert Consult, with bonus enhancements - including:
o Over 180 additional figures – expands the imaging of normal and developmental structures and highlights common and clinically important variations, anomalies, defects and diseases
o Interactive question bank - over 150 multiple choice questions to aid exam preparation and check your understanding

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