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Documents Soins infirmiers - Aspect psychologique 5 résultats

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xx, 174 pages)

Soins infirmiers - Aspect psychologique ; Diversité culturelle

Delivers a comprehensive toolbox for understanding race and racism at structural, institutional, and individual levels This nursing handbook introduces and defines key terms about race and racism for nurses, nursing students, and nurse educators. It addresses how race and racism act as structural and core social determinants of health and propel health inequities. It moves beyond a focus on multicultural approaches for understanding inequity toward a recognition of the broader impact that both systemic and structural racism have had on inequality in health and life opportunities. Through a social justice lens, the book underscores how nurses, as frontline health professionals, need to understand racism as a factor behind these inequities and its significance to their working environment and nursing practice. In concise chapters with brief paragraphs and bulleted information, this practical handbook offers strategies for how to productively engage in a dialogue about race and racism. It considers the history of racism in the United States and then breaks down how it operates at structural, institutional, and individual levels. Case studies illustrate such concepts as microaggressions, implicit bias, power, privilege, and intersectionality in order to foster understanding and provide opportunities for both self-reflection and collective conversation. Key Features: *Delivers clear and easy-to-read content in concise, bulleted format *Empowers nurses to initiate conversations about race and racism in the workplace and classroom with confidence and ease *Provides an historical context for understanding how racism contributes to inequities in health and economic opportunities *Illustrates concepts with case studies and reflection questions *Features "Fast Facts" boxes that highlight essential information at a glance *Promotes the concepts of antiracism, diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

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- 1 ressource en ligne (xl, 387 pages : ill.)

Épuisement professionnel ; Soins infirmiers - Aspect psychologique ; Soins infirmiers ; Qualifications professionnelles

Healthcare professions typically attract those who give deeply of themselves to make a positive difference in others' lives. But that giving can come at a significant price: burnout. While the healthcare vocation offers myriad options in work settings and career paths, it can also involve tremendous amounts of stress because of long shifts, mental and physical exhaustion, patient challenges, and regulatory changes. When stress and fatigue overtake a healthcare provider's ability to adequately cope with physically and emotionally taxing circumstances, burnout is often the result, potentially leading to compromises in quality and patient safety. Since the publication of the first edition of this book, the COVID-19 pandemic has only added dramatically to nurses' and other healthcare providers' stress, exacerbating existing problems with strained resources and labor shortages. In Beyond Burnout, Second Edition, author Suzanne Waddill-Goad adds new strategies and up-to-date, data-driven information for building hardiness and resilience so that nurses and other healthcare workers can successfully navigate their increasingly challenging environment while reducing stress and preventing burnout.

Adresse web : Accéder au texte intégral

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- xxii, 634 p. : ill
Cote : WY 88 P535c 2002

Relations infirmière-patient ; Comportement d'aide ; Malades - Counseling ; Soins infirmiers - Aspect psychologique ; Validation (Psychothérapie) ; Communication en soins infirmiers

Écrit par une infirmière et pour les infirmières, dans un cadre qui correspond aux réformes de l'éducation et de la santé, Communication, entretien, relation d'aide et validation est un texte généreux, orienté sur l'aspect pratique des soins relationnels. L'auteure y expose l'ensemble des facettes qui caractérisent la compétence fondamentale qu'est l'établissement d'une communication aidante avec la personne et ses proches, en prenant en considération les nombreux aspects de la vie professionnelle d'une infirmière ou d'un infirmier. Les exemples variés et les applications pour des clientèles particulières sont autant de renforcements qui permettent l'acquisition des concepts qui entourent cette compétence. L'ouvrage porte l'empreinte d'une pédagogue soucieuse de ses différents publics : l'étudiante y trouvera les éléments de base de la communication dans un langage simple, clair et précis, tandis que l'infirmière chevronnée pourra se familiariser avec des approches plus complexes. L'une et l'autre pourront apprendre utilement et agréablement l'art "d'être avec" pour aider.

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