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Documents Toxicomanie - Traitement 9 résultats

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- xiii, 172 p.
Cote : WM 425.5.C6 K18g 2012

Thérapie cognitive ; Toxicomanie - Traitement

Reposant sur les principes de la thérapie cognitive et comportementale (TCC), ce guide pratique propose aux acteurs du champ sanitaire en addictologie une méthode de traitement des patients ayant un trouble lié à l'usage de cocaïne ou d'autres substances stimulantes. A la fois concis et complet, il présente les modèles théoriques à la base de la TCC, ses différentes caractéristiques et ses modalités d'application.
Riche de nombreux conseils pratiques et d'exemples de mise en situation, ce guide accompagnera le thérapeute au quotidien, dans son travail avec les patients dépendants, à travers l'analyse détaillée de la conduite de chaque séance de thérapie (contenu, objectifs, interventions clés, proposition d'exercices pratiques). II aborde également la formation et l'évaluation des thérapeutes à-la pratique de la TCC.
Ce guide unique en langue française s'adresse aux psychiatres, psychologues, médecins addictologues, médecins généralistes mais également aux étudiants en médecine.

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- xix, 960 p.
Cote : WM 270 A512 2015

Toxicomanie - Traitement ; Polytoxicomanie - Traitement

No other text available today offers what The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Substance Abuse Treatment can: completely updated treatment information on a broad range of substance use disorders that is consistent with the new DSM-5 classification and thus reflective of how psychiatry is practiced today. Designed for researchers and mental health professionals ranging from trainee to licensed practitioner, the book is also appropriate for a diverse array of rehabilitation settings, from inpatient to community-based treatment.

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- xviii, 499 p. ; ill
Cote : WM 270 R822c 2013

Comportement compulsif ; Adolescents consommateurs ; Toxicomanie - Traitement

Edited by members of the American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry, this is a practical guide to the management of an adolescent drug use and addiction. It provides the knowledge and tools for successful prevention and intervention efforts in adolescents. The handbook is organized in a user-friendly format so that readers can easily locate the information that is required.

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- xvi, 288 p.
Cote : WM 270 M153c 2010

Polytoxicomanie - Traitement ; Alcoolisme - Traitement ; Toxicomanie - Traitement ; Comportement compulsif - Traitement

The Clinical Manual for Treatment of Alcoholism and Addictions provides a concise overview of addiction treatment issues relevant to clinicians who are involved in the care of patients with substance use disorders. This clinical manual consolidates a wealth of information into one easy-to-read guide. In addition to covering specific addictive substances in detail including epidemiology, presentation, and diagnosis, as well as polysubstance abuse and psychiatric comorbidity, the manual also addresses underlying issues related to specific patient populations, such as children and adolescents, seniors, and the mentally and physically handicapped. With their vast impact on our culture and society, substance use disorders may well become one of the main challenges for psychiatry in the twenty-first century. The Clinical Manual for Treatment of Alcoholism and Addictions is an invaluable tool for informing clinicians about the wide array of treatment options available to help their patients who struggle with substance abuse problems.

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- viii, 320 p.
Cote : WM 270 M839s 2003

Toxicomanie ; Toxicomanie - Traitement

Inventaire complet des pratiques d'intervention en toxicomanie associant prévention, soins et prise en charge. Il constitue une synthèse des expériences et des savoirs-faire associant médecins, psychiatres et intervenants sociaux. Un véritable précis clinique de toxicomanie.

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- xv, 222 p.
Cote : WM 270 G882 2001

Toxicomanie - Traitement ; Psychothérapie de groupe

This practical manual presents a 29-session treatment program designed to engage, motivate, and stimulate processes of change in clients at all stages of recovery. The program is based on the research-supported transtheoretical model of behavior change. The manual describes skills-building activities and interventions that are likely to be most effective with clients as they cycle from the earlier stages of change/m-/precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation/m-/to the later stages, action and maintenance. Each of the structured sessions is presented in a consistent, highly accessible format, including a clear rationale, summary of objectives, and overview of the main activities that will take place. Step-by-step guidelines for implementation are provided, as well as strategies for using a motivational interviewing style. The manual is complete with all needed handouts and exercise forms, ready to photocopy and distribute to clients. Ideal for use with groups, the approach can easily be adapted to individual treatment.

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