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Documents Troubles dissociatifs 11 résultats

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- 622 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 173.6 ST814t 2018
Autre titre de la couv. : Traiter la dissociation d'origine traumatique : approche pratique et intégrative ; Trad. de : Treating trauma-related dissociation : a practical, integrative approach

Dissociation (Psychologie) ; Traumatisme psychique ; État de stress post-traumatique ; Troubles dissociatifs

Le traitement de la dissociation d'origine traumatique constitue un défi thérapeutique face auquel les professionnels peuvent se poser de nombreuses questions. Comment évaluer l'importance de la dissociation ? Par quoi commencer ? Comment travailler à intégrer les parties sans accentuer la dissociation ? Comment réagir quand le patient est en colère, honteux, évitant ou ne fait pas confiance au thérapeute ? La relation thérapeutique constitue le fondement du traitement. Les auteurs, spécialistes internationaux de la dissociation, proposent donc un plan de traitement en trois phases qui ne se contente pas d'indiquer ce qu'il faut dire ou faire, mais aussi comment être avec le patient. Basé sur les dernières recherches en neuropsychologie et en psychologie évolutionniste, Traiter la dissociation d'origine traumatique invite le thérapeute à utiliser des approches innovantes et collaboratives pour parvenir à intégrer les parties dissociées. Grâce à ses nombreuses vignettes cliniques et les concepts essentiels qui servent de fil rouge à la lecture, cet ouvrage constitue un outil indispensable pour tous les professionnels confrontés au traumatisme et aux troubles de la personnalité qu'il engendre.

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- xxviii, 488 p. : ill.
Cote : WM 173.6 W329h 2016

Troubles dissociatifs ; Enfants ; État de stress post-traumatique ; Traumatisme psychique chez l'enfant ; Traumatisme psychique chez l'adolescent

Written by one of the nation's leading practitioners in the field of childhood trauma, abuse, and dissociation, this comprehensive resource fills a void in the literature to provide in-depth knowledge of current interventions for treating dissociation in youth. It describes a detailed, careful assessment process and creative, evidence-supported techniques for helping children and their families to heal from chaotic, traumatizing experiences. With both a theoretical and practical focus, the book offers proven strategies for successfully treating children and adolescents with varying degrees of dissociation and comorbid symptoms. It also integrates adjunct therapies in environments beyond those of traditional psychotherapy, such as school, and describes how their strategies can be used effectively to augment therapy and understand dissociative children.

Based on a model integrating five prominent therapeutic modalities, and underscoring the importance of attachment style, the book focuses on the neurobiology of trauma, a high comorbidity of symptoms, specialized clinical interventions, psychopharmacology, and family intervention techniques. Also addressed are adjunct therapies in art and EMDR. In addition, the book provides a window into the effects of traumatic events such as medical illness that may be overlooked, and safe techniques with dissociative youth who are exhibiting dangerous behaviors. Rich clinical examples demonstrate the various phases of treatment and offer a window into the internal world of dissociative children.

Key Features:

• Integrates psychotherapy with EMDR, art therapy, neurobiology, and psychopharmacology
• Distills current research on neurobiology of trauma and how to intervene with specially designed treatment strategies
• Provides in-depth knowledge of the latest creative interventions for treatment of childhood dissociation and comorbid symptoms
• Sensitizes the therapist to often overlooked traumatic events, such as medical illness, that can exacerbate symptoms

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- 661 p.
Cote : RC 553 D5 B6612 2017

Troubles dissociatifs ; Traumatisme psychique ; État de stress post-traumatique - Complications et séquelles ; État de stress post-traumatique

Un traumatisme psychologique provoque toujours des ravages dans l'ensemble du psychisme humain, affectant plus ou moins sévèrement les personnes dans tous les secteurs de leur vie. Dans certains cas, il donne naissance à des troubles dissociatifs : les personnes atteintes doivent alors réinterroger toutes leurs croyances pour surmonter la fragmentation causée par l'expérience traumatique. Dans ce livre, à la fois référence pour les thérapeutes, manuel pour les formateurs et outil d'accompagnement pour les patients, les auteurs abordent la dissociation d'origine traumatique dans une perspective scientifique. L'objectif : apprendre aux patients à mobiliser leurs compétences pour la gérer, particulièrement dans ses aspects quotidiens, tels que l'organisation de la journée, la régulation des émotions, l'amélioration du sommeil, la faculté de prise de décision.

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- xviii, 470 p.
Cote : WM 173.6 B724c 2011

Troubles dissociatifs ; Traumatisme psychique - Complications et séquelles ; État de stress post-traumatique - Complications et séquelles ; Psychothérapie - Méthodologie

A patient-oriented manual for complex trauma survivors.

This training manual for patients who have a trauma-related dissociative disorder includes short educational pieces, homework sheets, and exercises that address ways in which dissociation interferes with essential emotional and life skills, and support inner communication and collaboration with dissociative parts of the personality. Topics include understanding dissociation and PTSD, using inner reflection, emotion regulation, coping with dissociative problems related to triggers and traumatic memories, resolving sleep problems related to dissociation, coping with relational difficulties, and help with many other difficulties with daily life. The manual can be used in individual therapy or structured groups.

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- iii, 536 p.
Cote : BF 175.5.P75 H326s.F 2010
Traduit de l'anglais.

Dissociation (Psychologie) ; Traumatisme psychique - Traitement ; Troubles dissociatifs

Le quotidien des personnes atteintes de traumatismes chroniques est une lutte incessante. En effet, beaucoup d'entre-elles éprouvent régulièrement des difficultés, sont en proie à de violents conflits intrapsychiques et ne parviennent pas toujours à gérer leur vie harmonieusement. Leurs symptômes et leurs souffrances, généralement liés à un passé douloureux, sont souvent mal compris, d'autant que certains cherchent à dissimuler la détresse qui les accable. Il est dès lors difficile pour le thérapeute de déterminer et de traiter le noeud du problème. Se fondant sur la théorie de la dissociation structurelle de la personnalité ainsi que sur la psychologie janétienne de la conduite, Le soi hanté propose un modèle de traitement par étapes, centré sur l'identification et le traitement de la dissociation structurelle ainsi que des actions mentales et comportementales inadaptées. Cette approche expose au patient les raisons qui le poussent à agir et à penser de manière inadaptée et le guide progressivement jusqu'à l'acquisition d'actions comportementales et mentales plus efficaces, lui permettant ainsi une meilleure adaptation dans la vie quotidienne. Les étudiants en psychologie clinique et en psychiatrie mais aussi les cliniciens, les chercheurs ainsi que tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux survivants adultes de négligences et de maltraitances chroniques pendant l'enfance trouveront ici des outils et des conseils efficaces pour rendre les thérapies plus efficaces et mieux tolérées par le patient.

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- xxi, 358 p.
Cote : WM 200 M911p 2008

Psychoses ; Troubles dissociatifs ; Traumatisme psychique ; Schizophrénie ; État de stress post-traumatique

In the 100 years since Eugen Bleuler unveiled his concept of schizophrenia, which had dissociation at its core, the essential connection between traumatic life events, dissociative processes and psychotic symptoms has been lost. Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation is the first book to attempt to reforge this connection, by presenting challenging new findings linking these now disparate fields, and by comprehensively surveying, from a wide range of perspectives, the complex relationship between dissociation and psychosis.

A cutting-edge sourcebook, Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation brings together highly-respected professionals working in the psychosis field with renowned clinicians and researchers from the fields of traumatic stress, dissociation and the dissociative disorders, and will be of interest to those working with or studying psychotic or dissociative disorders, as well as trauma-related conditions such as borderline personality disorder or complex post-traumatic stress disorder. It makes an invaluable contribution to the burgeoning literature on severe mental disorders and serious life events. The book has three sections:

• Connecting trauma and dissociation to psychosis - an exploration of the links between trauma, dissociation and psychosis from a wide range of historical and theoretical perspectives.
• Comparing psychotic and dissociative disorders - a presentation of empirical and clinical perspectives on similarities and differences between the two sets of disorders.
• Assessing and treating hybrid and boundary conditions - consideration of existing and novel diagnostic categories, such as borderline personality disorder and dissociative psychosis, that blend or border dissociative and psychotic disorders, along with treatment perspectives emphasising humanistic and existential concerns.

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- xxvi, 358 p.
Cote : WM 173.6 W646d 2011

Troubles dissociatifs ; Traumatisme psychique chez l'enfant ; Traumatisme psychique chez l'adolescent ; État de stress post-traumatique

Over the last decade, the literature on therapy addressing trauma in children has expanded considerably, as has the literature on dissociation. Unfortunately, very little of this literature has addressed the issue of dissociation in children. At the same time, therapists working with children and adolescents have become increasingly aware of the occurrence of trauma and dissociation in their clients.

Dissociation in Traumatized Children and Adolescents is a groundbreaking text for the study of dissociation in young people. In eight unique and compelling case studies, the authors lay out detailed narratives that illustrate both therapy progression as well as the therapist's reactions and thought process during case development. These case studies present many aspects of working with traumatized children who dissociate―trauma processing, attachment work, work with the family, interactions with the community―and give frank analysis of the difficulties clinicians encounter in various therapeutic situations and how and why they arrived at particular therapeutic decisions. While the book includes intensive analysis of each author's theoretical framework as well as that of dissociation in general, it also shows clinicians, in the most practical terms, how to translate the theories of dissociation into action. No clinician interested in trauma and dissociation in children will want to be without this text.

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Cote : WM 173.6 R666h DVD 2013
Conférence du 17 janvier 2013
Public cible : Psychologues, pédopsychiatres et étudiants de niveau universitaire

Troubles dissociatifs ; Hallucinations auditives ; Compagnons imaginaires ; Syndrome de Charles Bonnet

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- xxv, 372 p.
Cote : WM 173.6 T777 2007

Dissociation (Psychologie) ; Troubles dissociatifs ; État de stress post-traumatique ; Neurobiologie ; Neuropsychologie

Traumatic Dissociation: Neurobiology and Treatment offers an advanced introduction to this symptom, process, and pattern of personality organization seen in several trauma-related disorders, including acute stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and the dissociative disorders. The authors track the condition from its earliest historical conceptualization to its most recent neurobiological understanding to show that greater insight into traumatic dissociation can be obtained from clinical progress in treatment models and strategies. Useful as a clinical reference or as ancillary textbook, this work reorganizes phenomenological observations that have been previously been overlooked, misunderstood, or neglected in traditional training.

Bringing together for the first time theoretical, cognitive, and neurobiological perspectives on traumatic dissociation, this volume is designed to provide both empirical and therapeutic insights into traumatic dissociation. Opening chapters examine historical, conceptual, and theoretical issues and how other fields, such as cognitive psychology, have been applied to the study of traumatic dissociation. The following section focuses specifically on how neurobiological investigations have deepened our understanding of dissociation. Concluding chapters explore issues pertinent to the assessment and treatment of traumatic dissociation. Key issues covered include the interacting effects of traumatic experience, developmental history, neurobiological function, and specific vulnerabilities to dissociative processes that underlie the occurrence of traumatic dissociation.

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- x, 243 p.
Cote : WM 173.6 N666s 2004

Troubles dissociatifs ; Troubles somatoformes

Expanding the definition of dissociation in psychiatry, Nijenhuis presents a summary of the somatoform components of dissociation-how sensory and motor functions are affected by dissociative disorders. Founded in the current view of mind-body integration, this book is essential reading for all mental health professionals engaged in the diagnosis, treatment, and study of dissociative disorders, PTSD, and other trauma-related psychiatric disorders.

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